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Imposters... Empty Imposters...

Post  AngeloNP Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:20 am

Do you guys know what imposters are? They're fakes. People who are so bad they attempt to be another person for their reputuation. Take example this one called AAA_Mods, he is a fake. Considering im the real one, and i get messages all the time asking if I play euro gunz. Also when I did attempt to register under my three emails, aaamods@hotmail.com, aaamods@yahoo.com, aaamods@gmail.com, they were all already taken, shoot. So I want to just talk to this fake so I can ask him why he is doing this, and everytime my friends try telling him he is a fake, he just ignores it.


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Join date : 2008-03-01

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Imposters... Empty Re: Imposters...

Post  KillBabe Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:56 pm

yea and AAA_Mods dont got bann <.<

he just sux!

Euro Gunz New Player
Euro Gunz New Player

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Age : 32
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