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Staff Aplication

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Post  KillBabe2 Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:09 pm

Name :marco
Job :school
Age :16
E-mail :rsef2000@web.de
Ingame Name:KillBabe

why would we need you :i want help vitor to create the best gunz server for ever.

Examples :
Staff Aplication 695a-e
Staff Aplication 695a-f
Staff Aplication 695a-h
Staff Aplication 695a-g

Extra :
-i play very long time, im nearly always online
-if someone have a question i try to help him if i can.
Staff Aplication Aprovednk8
Euro /Subscriber
Euro /Subscriber

Posts : 222
Join date : 2008-03-26
Age : 33
Location : Germany


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