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So there is no more x gunz it turned into euro gunz?

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So there is no more x gunz it turned into euro gunz? Empty So there is no more x gunz it turned into euro gunz?

Post  iPunk Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:46 am

I am or probly was if x gunz player... But now I see xgunz web redirected to euro gunz and when i trun x gunz it goes up with euro gunz server .... So there will be no mroe x gunz???


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Join date : 2008-04-09

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So there is no more x gunz it turned into euro gunz? Empty err

Post  End-Game Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:34 am

Im guessing thats a yeah if it redirects u hear plus read the portal news posts and ull see, i used to play Xgunz was original End-Game then sum noob stole my name so i was Called Focus, if ur looking for the real End-Game hes called ben and he actually has skillz, noob poser couldnt even rs.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2008-04-17

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